How long can a human memory lasts?
A good memory can make you win a lot of money.
Better memory can make you pass an exam.
Clear memory can save you from harm and accusations.
Excellent memory can make someone happy when you always remember significant occasions in life.
On the contrary, memory can be an aid to do some pretensions.
Just say you forget something or you act as if a scenario never happened. Case or topic will be closed at least right away. Of course, you or anybody else, always being on the safe side.
But how about other people involved in the situation that stick to reality and is clear in their mind? Hey, this is not about the wit or how clever a person is. I know you (whoever you are) can analyze this in a mature way.
This goes to all who cannot speak their side because there is no option to verbalize.
Well, the world is really a stage with us being the actors doing our roles.
Oist Eman, pakikastigo na lang.
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